

Postal Industry Expertise

First assignment Deutsche Post WorldNet AG (DPWN) been extended several times since then (Prof. Arnold)

1998    IST admission of transport relations

Transportation requirements for a transport system without a driver. Define, select suitable FTS and prove the economic efficiency (Prof. Arnold)

1998    Simulation of container conveyor line in SML – plants

Dimensioning, selection and economic efficiency check of an automated container conveyor system from the loading area to the sorting area. (Prof. Arnold)

2000    Feeding conveyor

Determination of the maximum capacity with manual feeding stations for feeding a vertical sorter in the area of “Maxibrief”. Conception and development of a new feeding conveyor concept through capacity maximization. (Prof. Arnold ; Dr. Föller )

2000    Development of a stacker concept for a “Maxibrief”-sorter on the basis of Ringsorter©.

Determination of the achievable capacity in connection with the new feeding conveyor on basis of Ringsorter©. Development and test of stackers in terms of the request of the DPAG and accordingly the distinctive feature of the “Maxibrief”-sorter. Development and test of a semi automated stacker-sweeping system. Conception of a full-automated stacker sweeping system. Development of alternative concepts for the in and outgoing zone of the gate in the plant. (Prof. Arnold ; Dr. Föller)

2000    Reorganization of the complete net structure and development of new sorter strategies for Post Express (DHL)

Increase of sales achievement by automation of the sorting and identification process. Selection, layout planning and economic efficiency calculation for cross stocking stations. New concept development of a hub and spoke net and reorganization of the “old” net structure for Post Express under the aspect – economic efficiency, rate of inventory turnover (throughput) and redundancy. (Prof. Arnold ; Dr. Föller)

2001    Large material flow study of the complete production “Brief”

rom the source (plant entrance) to the sink (delivery), including production planning system (PPS) and sorter strategies. (Prof. Arnold ; Dr. Föller)

2001    Development of a basis for decision-making to introduce an “enterprise wide standardized label”

Through the application of a standardized code on the label of each shipping unit to link each customer closer to the corporation partners of DPWN through the application of a standardized coding on the label. Selection of the system (closed/opened) and quantification of the strategic advantages (economic, marketing) (Prof. Arnold ; Dr. Föller)

2003    Research of the 4-state-barcode

Development of a simulation tool to alleviate the selection of identification concepts with 4 – state - barcodes of process security. For the increase of process security a 4-state-barcode can be used for the coding by data, like zip code, house number, street number etc. (Prof. Arnold ; Dr. Föller)

2003    Research of the allowed bending stiffness of correspondence

  Determination of standardized values of bending stiffness for the protection of the sorting machines therefore of the products (letters). Avoidance of disturbances in the production process for the observance of time frame. Development of an algorithm for determination of the allowed bending stiffness in dependence of the sorting machines. Construction and development of checking advices for examination of Mass admission on the aspect of machine ability of mail. (Prof. Arnold ; Dr. Föller)

2003    Development of a concept for future mail sorting.

Deutsche Post AG plans the introduction of a new machine generation for mail sorting. The specifications for the construction of new plants occur on account of a sorter concept, which allows through abidance of the term “E+1” a sorting of mail according to the sequencing route of the deliverer. The assignment for the IFL was to develop multiple alternative concepts for designing the letter mail sorting. It was to show the requirements of the plants and the requirements of the operational sequencing and handling steps for the new system and the sorting process. At the same time certain conditions concerning net structure and the division of the company was to be kept in incoming and outgoing plants. In particular, the sorting concepts had to be aligned in a way that makes sequencing of 1 Million destinations per post office possible. (Prof. Arnold ; Dr. Föller)





